Urban lab

Alan Urban

We develop fUS imaging, an innovative technology to measure brain activity

If we want to get better at curing brain disease, we need a more comprehensive view of the brain and its function. That is why we develop the next generation of functional ultrasound (fUS) imaging technology: a high-resolution, easy to use, and affordable technology to image brain activity.

Research highlights

Our team is refining fUS imaging technology to better understand brain circuit dynamics in behaving subjects.

Preclinical brain imaging

We use fUS imaging to visualize and quantify biological processes and structures in small animal models prior to clinical studies in humans. By allowing researchers to study disease models and assess the safety and efficacy of potential treatments in vivo, without the need for invasive procedures, we aim to speed up drug discovery and development.

Clinical brain imaging

Our goal is to make fUS imaging an essential component of modern medicine and help physicians accurately identify and diagnose various medical conditions. We also seek to play a critical role in guiding treatment decisions and monitoring treatment outcomes, enabling doctors to provide personalized patient care.

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